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Satisfied Clients

Jacquie Rae, BC, Canada

"OMG! Do they have a beautiful yard for their fur babies. First breeders we have meet that let you see their place all their dogs and spent hours with us. We learned so much. What I love the most besides the pups living with them is their approach to all the pups health. As I am an avid user of oils I was so impressed they use lavender oil spray to keep away fleas, ticks, keep puppies stress free and calm. I met with my oily friends on the weekend and they too confirmed oils for dogs used correctly keeps our fur babies healthier.

No more expensive vet medicine that is so dangerous for our fur babies.

When my 16 year passes I know who to contact with confidence I will get another healthy happy fur baby.

The two hour visit was so worth the trip and we where both super impressed.

Thank you Rain Shadow ! "

"Good morning Dave,

I am attempting to type this with Roo on my lap so please forgive any typos.  One of my favorite parables is this: 

''How long would it take for an Australian Shepherd to change a light bulb?  About 10 minutes, but if you give them 24 hours they will rewire your house.'

They may not be that smart but you get the idea, but only if they have a good start in life and that is what we found when we found our ‘Roo' at David and Cindy Halverson’s breeding kennels on the Olympic  Peninsula  called  Rainshadow Lil Aussies.

From prior experience our greatest fear was that we would find the pup in such a dreadful condition, that is shown so many times in the news unfortunately, where you are forced to take the dog to save its life from the owner. This could not be further from the truth with Dave and Cindys operation. 

We found the place to be clean well organized with proper documentation. The puppies were fat and sassy and well socialized.

A wonderful care package was given that gave us a leg up on continuation of care. 

Roo has filled a spot in our lives that we did not know was missing and we could not be more excited.

We wish you the best of luck and good cheer with your Aussie experience and have the highest possible praise for Rainshadow Lil Aussie kennels.

Now you will have to excuse me because Roo has my needle nose pliers and a devilish look on her face. God Bless and stay safe."

“After hearing horror stories from people about their experience with breeders, we were afraid of getting a dog from a bad breeder. However, when we found Dave and Cindy, those fears quickly disappeared. They are AMAZING breeders and it’s so clear how much they love their dogs and how much care they put into their breeding process. We got our girl, Ziggy, from Dave and Cindy in March 2020 and instantly fell in love with her. She has added SO MUCH to our little family… I truly don’t know how we lived our lives without her. A year and a half later, we were ready to add a boy dog to our pack. All the boy dogs were already reserved by other people from Joy’s last litter (Joy is Ziggy’s mom), but since we had kept in touch with them about Ziggy and all the fun we were having with her, they graciously offered up the boy dog that they were going to keep for themselves!!! We are still so so so thankful. Our boy, Boozer, is a super silly boy full of love…and energy, ha! Both of them are such intelligent, happy dogs… all reflective of the love Dave and Cindy put into their breeding practice. Dave and Cindy, thank you so much for enriching our little family with our two fur babies!”

Terry and Jamie A., Seattle

My Tank is so sassy, adorable, and such a goof. We absolutely adore him and are excited for his 2nd birthday closing in January! Incredibly smart and loves his kitty brothers - we are so grateful for Cindy and Dave! Highly recommend!

Laura B.  Lynnwood

 Ruth and Jess, Portland



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